Staff and students planning to travel on University-related business
Travel Risk
These pages have been designed to assist students, staff and others who are required to complete a risk assessment as part of an application to study or work away from Cambridge and, therefore, focus specifically on the safety aspects of study or work away. For more information about how working away may impact on course requirements students are advised to check departmental guidelines (for example, for undergraduate work away) or the Graduate Students page. Staff travelling on University business may also find the information in these pages useful in meeting safety requirements.
Additional information for those who authorise work away can be found in this section.
Work or study away undertaken by members of the University is varied and wide-ranging. This has included trips all across Europe as well as to Afghanistan, India, Panama, South Africa and Vietnam with students studying in other institutions, working on excavations, with indigenous peoples, in remote locations, with animals, conducting archival research, interviewing a diverse range of people and in working or studying in war torn countries. It is not practical to try and produce guidance to cover the diverse nature of the University, but we can point you in the right direction with the underlying principle that a detailed risk assessment must be completed and this must reflect the nature of the work, the individual and the location.