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Safeguarding Work Away


The information found here is intended to support students in completing the risk assessment component of studying or working away from the University. The guidance may also be used by staff travelling on University business.

The University requires that every student who wishes to study or work away is approved to do so. This includes certain information being submitted before travel, as a minimum; contact details, details of an emergency contact (e.g. family member), locations and dates of travel. Students must also submit a risk assessment that is proportionate to proposed plans. Most departments will have their own risk assessment templates that should be used, however the forms below can be selected if this is not the case. Departments should also have their own processes for students to submit risk assessments. Supervisors should offer guidance where this is not clear.

Types of work away that require you to submit a risk assessment can be found here and example risk assessments here.   

The risk assessment should be used as a tool to enable you to conduct safe work and travel. Good preparation allows you to manage your personal safety before departure – knowing something about what to expect and how to behave when you arrive can dramatically reduce your exposure to danger. It is your responsibility to stick to your plan and/or to seek approval from your department if you wish to make any significant changes before making them.

A general overview of the process is below.

Step 1. Check Departmental procedures for submitting a risk assessment

Step 2. Discuss work away plans with appropriate person in Department e.g. Supervisor, Departmental Safety Officer, Year Abroad Coordinator, Clinical Supervisor

Any concerns over wellbeing can be discussed with College Tutor, see individual factors/support.

Step 3. Complete risk assessment:

  • If your department has started using Peregrine Foresight, please follow our instructions for How to Submit a Risk Assessment on Foresight.
  • If your department is not yet using Foresight, select departmental risk assessment template (can use the ones found here if department does not hold any);
  • Complete the assessment using the information here to guide you.

Step 4. Submit risk assessment as per departmental guidance, this will usually be to the trip leader or office coordinating the work, your supervisor or departmental safety officer. If the process of submitting the risk assessment is unclear advice can be sought any of the aforementioned within your department.

Step 5. Wait for risk assessment to be signed off and/or complete any suggested amendments

Step 5. Make note of any conditions added to the risk assessment e.g. regularity of contact required

Step 6. Complete formal application required to study or work away (where relevant):

  • Apply for leave to work away via CamSIS self-service, if relevant OR;
  • Carry out remaining steps to complete application within department;

Step 7. Obtain adequate insurance.

Step 8. Adhere to any conditions set by college and/or department during the work away and on return, these may include but are not limited to:

  • Pre-arranged contact frequency
  • Re-assessment of risk on arrival and/or at pre-arranged intervals
  • Return to the UK if in-country situation worsens
  • Return to UK if condition of health deteriorates