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Safeguarding Work Away


When making plans to travel to a country or region where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises ‘against all but essential travel’ or ‘against all travel’ students are expected to carry out the following steps.

  1. Discuss plans with Supervisor or other most appropriate in Department/Faculty e.g. Year Abroad Coordinator. You should also discuss plans with your college tutor so that you can address any wellbeing concerns, both at the planning stage and during your work away

  2. Complete a detailed risk assessment. It is recommended that you use the High Risk (Elevated) Travel Assessment - Students or High Risk (Elevated) Travel Assessment - Staff.

  3. Ensure that plans and risk assessment are submitted to Department at least 3 months prior to departure. While the aim is to process applications quickly we require that you allow this time in case you must undertake training or obtaining a report from an external travel risk company is needed

For applications to work or study within these locations the University demands that a robust risk assessment is in place and students will not be permitted to travel until the University is satisfied that they have made plans to do so safely. The risk assessment should take into account not only general details about the location you plan to visit but specifically how the dangers associated with this region may affect you (positively or negatively). The assessment should also cover the impact of proposed activities being undertaken within this location. Are you at a higher risk than you would be conducting the same activity in the UK? E.g. due to the political climate of the area you plan to work in.

All applications to work away in countries advised against by the FCO will be sent to the Study Away Risk Assessment Committee for approval who may add extra conditions before passing plans.

If you leave the University without meeting requirements set by the Study Away Risk Assessment Committee or your Department then you will be on unauthorised work away and may also be subject to disciplinary action.  

If you wish to appeal a decision that has been made on your application to work away then you should do so through the University Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (OSCCA). Please note, students only have 14 days to appeal an application decision.

The useful video below focuses on:

  • Rethinking safety as a place