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Safeguarding Work Away


Heads of Department or any person whom a Head of Department has delegated the responsibility of reviewing risk assessment for work away to should read the full guidance document below.

Guidance on Managing Risks from Travel, Fieldwork and Work Away (rev 5)
Travel Risk Assessment Forms
This video (on Moodle, sign in with RAVEN) will give you knowledge and skills to ensure you assess all risks involved with your travel plans and allow you to complete a full and comprehensive risk assessment for review by your PI, Manager or Head of Department within your own department.


This guidance should be read alongside the University Policy to Safeguard Students Studying and Working Away, the University’s Overseas Working Policy and guidance for those who carry out the work or study away.


Quick navigation - Heads of department should read the full document above however the quick navigation can be used to jump to relevant sections where necessary.

Risk rating table To be read by those who require further clarification on varying levels of risk
High risk section To be read by Departmental reviewers with students who may undertake high risk work away

Low risk template students
Low risk template staff


Medium risk template students
Medium risk template staff


High risk template students
High risk template staff

Recommended risk assessment templates (these proformas set the minimum requirements for the information that must be included in a travel or work away risk assessment. However, given the wide variety of work away situations, Departments/Faculties may choose to adapt these to fit local processes and/or to manage more specific risks)






Responsibilities For supervised trips
DRC guidance Guidance for staff supporting disabled students abroad

Please direct study or work away risk assessment queries to