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Safeguarding Work Away


Departments should have processes in place to manage the submission and reviewing of risk assessments. Students should be provided with an appropriate risk assessment template by their department. These may follow the same format as those recommended centrally where the form requirement is proportionate to the level of risk identified. For further information on authorising work away and determining risk level please see Policy and Guidance Overview

This video (on Moodle, sign in with RAVEN) will give you knowledge and skills to ensure you assess all risks involved with your travel plans and allow you to complete a full and comprehensive risk assessment for review by your PI, Manager or Head of Department within your own department.

Only students under the authority of the Board of Graduate Studies are required to complete applications via CamSIS self-service. To check whether this is applicable please read advice within the Cambridge students pages. For all other students applications are completed within Department.



Further assessment may include:

College review, Departmental Safety Officer or Head of Department review, further information required from student or for high risk cases a referral to the Study Away Risk Assessment Committee.